Abbie's World

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Follow up on Drama

So... drama isnt that bad anymore... we had to do dress rehersals and our group was the slowest im sure that made it pretty funny... what stunk was i have 2 change costumes 3 times so you ban see my other costumes that are longer then the one before plus... i have no time 2 change wich stinks cause as the narrarator was talking i was getting my first costume over my other 2 and trust me... its not fun. anyway durring dress reghersal... the guy that plays the father in my group tottaly messed up his line even though w told him 5,000 times the right way, he never listens. He said disconected instead of discontented. turns out were getting a group grade and solo grade. oh well!


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10:20 AM  

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